All grants are subject to certain conditions. By applying for funding for a community grant for sustainable travel, you agree to the following terms and conditions:
- GRANT FUNDING – Devon County Council (DCC) will contribute between 50 – 100% towards the cost of the project. The contribution is based on the original estimate of the scheme and shall include any administration time but excluding V.A.T (Non-budgeted expenses will not be considered). Some projects may be considered for full funding if suitable in kind contributions can be demonstrated.
- The applicant undertakes to use the funding it receives from the Council for the purpose only of delivering the agreed activity and for no other purpose whatsoever. The Grantee further undertakes that any part of the Funding which remains unexpended on the Project shall be repayable to the Council on demand.
- You must guarantee that:
- the grant will be spent wholly on the agreed activity
- the grant is the entire sum which it is entitled to receive for the provision of the Project and that any additional expenditure incurred, whether foreseen or not, must be met by the applicant
- there will be no any significant change to the agreed activity without the Council’s prior written consent.
- QUOTES – Evidence to the satisfaction of the Council must be provided showing the final cost of the works and the basis on which that amount has been calculated. As such, two written estimates for the purchase of equipment/work to be undertaken should have been submitted with the grant application form. If not, these will be required. Payment will not be made if these are not available – applicants must not proceed with work/purchase until an estimate is accepted.
- INVOICES – Your organisation is required to arrange and pay for the works and to then invoice DCC for half the cost. Where the approved match funding amount is less than 50% of the final cost of the works you may apply to DCC for the additional balance. DCC does not however guarantee that additional funding will be approved. The grant will be paid in arrears . Only invoices submitted with approved match funding amounts will be paid and only when the invoice is supported with the appropriate evidence supporting the claim.
- RECEIPTS – The grant will be paid in arrears following submission of receipts relating to total cost of the equipment purchased/services provided.
- EXPRESSION OF INTEREST FORM – These must be completed in full and by an authorised signatory of your organisation. By completing this form you are committing your organisation to supporting the promotion of sustainable travel.
- PUBLICITY – The applicant undertakes to co-operate with the Council with regard to any publicity the Council wishes to publish in connection with the funding it has made pursuant to this Agreement. On all literature and leaflets funded and produced through this grant the organisation must publisise the support received from Devon County Council.
- RECORDS – The applicant must make available to the Council, at such times as it shall reasonably request, such information as the Council requires enabling it to satisfy itself that the aplicant is using the funding in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. In particular the Grantee will maintain a financial audit trail in respect of the activity and make such audit trail available to the Council upon reasonable notice together with all other financial records concerning the activity.
- PERFORMANCE REVIEW – All grants are subject to the Council’s policy of Performance Review. On the grant application form you should provide details of performance targets.
- MONITORING – The Council shall monitor the operation of this Agreement and the applicant shall co-operate with and assist the Council by:-
- Meeting the Council if required to discuss any issues relevant to this Agreement
- Providing it with such information as the Council may from time to time require
- EQUIPMENT – The organisation retains full ownership of any equipment. DCC shall hold no liability either currently or in the future howsoever caused for any equipment procured by way of this initiative.
- STATEMENT OF USE – All applicants will be required to provide a statement of the use to which the money has been put, and provided photos where applicable. In the event that the applicant fails to use the funding for the purpose agreed or the applicant acts fraudulently or negligently at any time during the undertaking of the activity or fails to comply with any of the conditions contained herein the Council shall be entitled to terminate this agreement and require the applicant to repay some or all of the funding. If conditions are not complied with then no further grants will be approved and any grant approved within that financial year, which has not been paid, will not be available to the applicant
- LIABILITY – The Council accepts no liability whatsoever for the activity whether before, during or after its completion and the applicant undertakes to indemnify and keep the Council indemnified from and against any and all loss, damage or liability (whether criminal or civil) suffered by the Council in respect of any matter arising under this Agreement or in respect of the activity resulting in any successful claim by a third party.
- ASSIGNMENT – The applicant may not assign any or all of its rights under this Agreement without the prior written agreement of the Council.
- LAW – This Agreement is made under and shall be governed by English law and the parties irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.