Whether you’re a frequent bus user, or haven’t hopped on board for a while, you’re in the right place to find information to help you get wherever you need to be.
See a comprehensive map of Devon’s bus services and view or print the timetables by using our interactive bus map.
Stay up to date with our latest news and service updates information.
Save money and find great offers for tickets that suit you, for transport all around the county.
Visit our National Bus Pass pages for more information and how to apply.
We can also point you in the right direction if you’re looking for information on bus operators, school transport, or, if you need a little additional help, take a look at our access for all and community transport pages.
If you need to contact us please email us, or call 0345 155 1004
Promoting Public Transport at your workplace
How can your workplace encourage low carbon commuting?
The Travel Devon Toolkit is full of practical tips and tools to help encourage sustainable and active travel at your workplace.
Whether you’re looking to get more colleagues walking to work, using public transport for part of their journey, or understanding how better driving practices can positively impact our environment, there are plenty of resources available.
Simply register your organisation to gain access to our Travel Audit, Travel Survey and Toolkits.
Please get in touch via traveldevon@devon.gov.uk with any questions.